Sinful House Paranormal Cozy Mysteries
“Welcome to Sinful House, a reality TV show where the 7 Deadly Sins live together in the sunny beach town of Odyssey, California, and compete to become America’s Favorite Sin!”
…That’s how each episode begins. And what a load of malarkey it is. Reality show? There’s nothing real about it! We aren’t even the 7 Deadly Sins. We’re just seven misfit psychics with extraordinary gifts, each challenged with solving paranormal mysteries around town. Solve more mysteries, win more love—and votes—from our viewing audience. Win enough votes and the network promises to deliver our heart’s true desire.
Pretty simple, really. But easy? Not when our challenges keep getting interrupted by unexpected murders.
For an idyllic beach town, this place is chock-full of two things: weird stuff going down and killers.
Life’s no beach in Odyssey, and nothing is what it seems. But one thing’s for sure: This’ll make for great TV!
Sinful House is a 9-book series still in production, scheduled to be completed in 2023.